한국의 멸종위기 야생생물에는 호랑이, 작은관코박쥐, 여우, 스라소니, 대륙사슴, 늑대, 수달, 표범, 반달가슴곰, 산양, 사향노루, 붉은박쥐 등의 포유류와 두루미, 저어새, 노랑부리백로, 황새, 참수리, 흰꼬리수리, 검독수리, 독수리, 물수리, 매, 참매, 흰목물떼새, 알락꼬리마도요, 느시, 호사비오리, 검은머리갈매기 등의 조류가 있으며, 이외에도 담비, 무산쇠족제비, 물개, 물범, 삵, 큰바다사자, 토끼박쥐, 하늘다람쥐, 황조롱이, 새매, 조롱이, 솔개, 흰배지빠귀, 쇠황조롱이, 붉은배새매, 흰눈썹황금새, 흰이마기러기, 큰기러기, 흰죽지, 흰뺨검둥오리, 알락오리, 가창오리, 흰꼬리딱새, 검은머리딱새, 흰눈썹뜸부기, 뜸부기, 흰목물떼새, 알락도요 등 다양한 종이 포함된다.
Endangered wildlife in South Korea includes mammals such as the Siberian tiger, Ussuri tube-nosed bat, red fox, Eurasian lynx, Manchurian sika deer, Korean wolf, Eurasian otter, Amur leopard, Asiatic black bear, long-tailed goral, Siberian musk deer, and red bat. It also includes birds like the red-crowned crane, black-faced spoonbill, Chinese egret, oriental stork, Steller's sea eagle, white-tailed eagle, golden eagle, cinereous vulture, osprey, peregrine falcon, northern goshawk, long-billed plover, far eastern curlew, great bustard, scaly-sided merganser, and Saunders's gull. Additionally, species such as the yellow-throated marten, least weasel, northern fur seal, spotted seal, leopard cat, Steller sea lion, brown long-eared bat, Siberian flying squirrel, common kestrel, Eurasian sparrowhawk, Eurasian hobby, black kite, pale thrush, lesser kestrel, Chinese sparrowhawk, yellow-browed bunting, greater white-fronted goose, bean goose, Baer's pochard, eastern spot-billed duck, Baikal teal, blue-and-white flycatcher, narcissus flycatcher, band-bellied crake, ruddy-breasted crake, long-billed plover, and common sandpiper are also listed as endangered.
forever✰ gallery is an artist-run space that focuses on sustainability, diversity, and accessibility in contemporary art based in Seoul, South Korea.